Sunday, 22 November 2015

Travel plans, a baby naming ceremony and an anniversary

Sorry for the accidental blog hiatus... I actually meant to upload this post two or three weeks ago! The picture goes some way in explaining what we have been occupying ourselves with. We'll write more about that in another post, but in the mean time, here's a very belated update!

After our visit to Malacca we have had a couple of quieter weekends around here recently. We are quite enjoying being a bit lazy and having nothing in particular to do! We've both been catching up on reading and also doing a spot of planning for the trips we have coming up. We're heading off to Kuala Lumpur for the weekend of my birthday at the end of October, my parents will be coming over in December and we're visiting Penang, and then Dan and I are hoping to go somewhere over the new year. At the moment we're thinking about trying a bit of a new experience and taking one of the sleeper trains to the north of Malaysia. I've heard there's some amazing scenery from the train and it seems like an interesting way to travel and see a lot of the country. We are also currently planning out an itinerary for our visit to Japan in April which we're very excited about! We'll be using the infamous Japanese bullet trains to do a whirlwind tour of the country in just 11 days. This will probably be a bit of a contrast to the Malaysian sleeper trains which are somewhat slower and run late a little more frequently!

Aside from our planning, last weekend we attended a naming ceremony for the baby boy of one of our work colleagues. There was a big party at their house, with about 80 guests attending and lots of food and drink! Baby Lakshay was showered with love and gifts from family and friends but he seemed quite happy to sleep through most of the evening and be passed around all the guests for a little cuddle. He is incredibly sweet and still so tiny at just one month old.

In other news, Dan and I hit a bit of a milestone as we have now been together for five whole years! We're quite proud of putting up with each other for that long so we thought this deserved a little celebration. To mark the occasion we had a nice dinner out at a local Indian restaurant - Indian food here is particularly good and Malaysians certainly know how to make a good curry. Indian restaurants also have a lot of good veggie options which is helpful as Dan and I are currently experimenting with being vegetarian. However, we are still eating fish so we enjoyed prawn curry, fried squid, creamy tofu, naan bread and lots and lots of rice. The food was incredible and we ate very well for the total sum of £12 - not bad!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, we had some temporary respite from the haze - last Sunday was a beautifully clear and sunny day spent by the pool - only for the wind direction to change and cloud us in smog once more. We really need some rain and until it arrives I think the smog is here to stay...

Update: The smog has now gone! Hooray! 

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